Saturday, April 07, 2007

Wii Why?

There has been quite a bit of hype surrounding the new Nintendo Wii gaming system. Some say that the Wii's ability to "democratize" gaming for people of all ages and abilities is revolutionary. Do you think this is a true technological revolution or just hype? Please defend your opinion.

The Nintendo Wii certainly has ventured off the beaten path of most gaming systems, choosing to take the yellow brick road in an attempt to separate itself from the rest of the competition. Whether that separation was for better or worse is the question being asked about the Wii.
Creatively, the Wii has certainly beat all other gaming systems, hands down. However, that's all I can really say that impresses me about the Wii. The graphical capabilities of this gaming console are, indisputably, not up to par with its competitors like the PS3 and Xbox 360. In the world of gamers, graphics count as one of the most important aspects to a great game and a great console; it is what keeps players glued to their television screens for days on end. Let's face it, for each genre, the essential plot will always be the same - there's no variety there. For example, all action games have the same plot; something happens to the main character, he seeks revenge, kills everyone in his path on his quest for revenge, and then finally gets his revenge. Sure, a console that looks attractive and sleek will capture attention, but won't do much else if it doesn't have the graphical capabilities to back up that pretty-looking facade. After all, who buys a console simply to look at it?
Furthermore, I can't say that the pioneer gamepad, that Nintendo invented, makes up for its graphical failures. I'll admit that the new and creative gamepad intrigued me and even impressed me in the creativity of it. However, after listening to the complaints of this ingenious device being riddled with defects, I tried it for myself and have to concur. As it was advertised in commercials, the Wiigamepad can be made into nunchucks so your arms are free to move around and imitate the actions needed for the game. There's just this tiny problem: the cord connecting the two halves is probably just about the length of our body width-wise.
A good game means that the player becomes wholly involved in the game, paying attention to nothing else. Players shouldn't have to keep a part of their attention on the gamepad to make sure they don't break it. It becomes impractical and annoying. With such restrictions on movements, it becomes extremely easy for players to snap the cord if they get too absorbed into the game. If one wants to encourage motion-sensing technology in their gamepads, then make sure that the gamepad is suitably designed for such play.
All in all, I can't say that the Nintendo Wii really is anything more than just hype. A technological revolution would mean that it would have to have broken the bar of all aspects of the existing technology. The Wii certainly hasn't done so in the graphics category, and still has too many bugs to fix with its gamepad to be considered a technological revolution. While it certainly does look revolutionary, its performance proves it to be just another regular - albeit strange - gaming console.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written journal about Wii. I agree with you that the graphics of Wii is not up to par with other game consoles. You also had some good points like restriction to movements.

2:15 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hry Viv,
I also think Wii is also just a hype. It'll keep people excited and enteratined until the next new thing comes out. I think people are so overwhelmed by its features for now, that they think too much of it. Great Journal entry Viv (Y)

11:41 a.m.  
Blogger Kenneth Leung said...

First of all, its not the Wiigamepad, it's called the Wiimote for looking like a remote. Graphics is also not what keeps players glued to the screen. You could search up the top 10 games played on xfire and you could find that most of the games are not all that good looking. It's the gameplay that keeps players playing and the Wii certainly has this. Also about the wire that connects the nunchuck to the Wiimote, it really doesn't bother you if you ever tried playing with it. Overall, I don't agree with you. You have some right points but most of them are not that accurate.

11:15 a.m.  
Blogger Craz.E Freak said...

"Obviously, graphics are what the other two companies are doing. I think what we'll do for Wii is show people open interaction. ... We're designing a system that's relevant to everyone in the house. Our hope is that Wii will be something different." -Miyamoto
I think that's what Kenneth was looking for. The others that are obsessive with graphics, are what I like to call "shallow". However like Kenneth said, some points are almost right, but just a little away from a home run.
To kwoky: If the Wii does not keep people excited and entertained until the "next new thing comes out", then there is obviously something wrong with the system. Likewise if the next new thing is "just a hype", then there is also something wrong with THAT system.

11:36 a.m.  
Blogger Harry said...

I agree with you Viv! The Wii's graphics arne't that good but there is much change in the console itself.

2:12 p.m.  
Blogger elsa-- said...

Very good blog! I luike the points that you brought up on the graphics of Nintendo Wii. Although I haven't played using this game console before, I have heard that it's not as great as XBox nor PlayStation. This may explain why Nintendo Wii was not as big of a competition to the other gaming systems when it first came out, then it should be. XBox and PlayStation has built a reputation for themselves while Nintendo brought a technological revolution a few years back (with Nintedo 64) and now bringing another hype to try and out-sell their competitors. Well-written blog Vivian! I enjoyed reading it.

7:09 a.m.  
Blogger Jaira said...

Well written! I think your perspective on the Wii console is great, and your opinion is well put into your words. I understood what your point of view was, and I think it was very well written. =)

8:30 p.m.  

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